community groups
We are designed to grow together
Real Friendships
Community Groups provide a place where you can meet other people and build lasting friendships. These friendships go beyond mere small talk and surface issues. They are relationships that provide acceptance, care, fun, and support for going through life. We all desire to take our mask off and be accepted. Community Groups is where that happens.
Real Growth
Growth has more to do with becoming more like Jesus. Everyone wants to become a better person. We cannot do this on our own. The Christian life is not to be lived in isolation. A community group is a place where you can meet with a small group of people (6-14 people) who are growing together in friendship, spiritual understanding, and living faith together. Through bible study, prayer, and real friendship you will grow closer to Jesus.
Real Encouragement
Community Groups are a place where people can be transparent with each other about their struggles, failures, and needs. Hebrews 3:12-13 tells us to encourage one another daily. Encouraging means to build up and root one another in Christian life! Encourage also means to speak truth into your friend’s lives and provide true encouragement as we go through life together.
We try to offer several classes that meet at various times throughout the week so that you can hopefully find one that works with your schedule and needs. If you can’t find a class that works for you, consider joining a community group. Most groups meet a couple times a month to laugh, study God’s Word, and grow together in faith and community. Use the link above to find out more.
Men’s Ministry
The Band Of Brothers is the men's ministry at NLCC. We want you to grow in your faith, friendships, and community. Join us for various events, classes, and service opportunities throughout the year!