Engage missionally
Casas por Cristo
Casas por Cristo exists to open the door for local pastors and churches to share the love of Jesus Christ by serving. Their mission is to build and serve. One House + One Week= Lives Changed. Casas currently serves in Aquña, Mexico, Juàrez, Mexico, Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, and Nicaragua.
Church Encouragement Services
Church Encouragement Services exists to bring glory to God by building up His church according to their needs. Church Encouragement Services works with local churches to help strengthen their body by sharing how to motivate, delegate, deal with problems, create a vision, oversee, identify problems, plan, and equip. Most of all, Church Encouragement Services aims to help churches see God’s direction for them and provide practical wisdom to implement that within their leadership and congregation.
CMO began in 1960 with the Filbeck family. Carmen Filbeck and her family moved to Northern Thailand, where they learned the native languages so they could share the Gospel. The Filbeck’s helped start Pioneer Bible Translators. They continue to evangelize to the people of Thailand through church planting, the Lanna Theological Center, and through Medical Missions.
FAME stands for the Fellowship of Associates of Medical Evangelism. Founded in 1970, FAME has helped build over 70 facilities in 29 countries. Their core values are evangelism, compassion, empowerment, sustainability, and partnership. Their core activities are giving by supporting sustainable healthcare projects, sending medical supplies and medicine, and by mobilizing short term mission trips.
hippo valley Christian Mission
Hippo Valley Christian Mission was founded in 1956 by two families that were WWII POW survivors. While in captivity they made a promise to God that they would live their lives for Him. The Hippo Valley’s purpose is to evangelize Zimbabwe by reaching the whole person for Christ; the body, mind, and soul through health care, schools, and the church.
Hope Ministries
Hope Ministries is located in South Bend, IN. Hope’s vision is to create a community in which hurting people find healing. Hope provides emergency and transitional housing for 18 families with children, 35 single men, and 18 single women. Residents are offered 3 meals a day. Through on-site services Hope helps their residents obtain health care through local agencies. Hope teaches healing through God’s grace, transforming through actively seeking God, and thriving through fully living in Christ.
Christ In Youth
Christ In Youth was founded in 1968 by Ozark Bible College Professor Bob Stacy. His vision was to create a place where the Gospel message could be presented to young people in a way that was contemporary and culturally relevant. Today CIY is continues to call youth to Christ and into a life of Kingdom Work through His Church.
Centered in Santiago, DR, LAFWA’s focus is to plant Haitian churches within the Dominican Republic and make an eternal impact through weekly worship, community involvement, and service. LAFWA has also founded Christian schools and nutrition centers within their church plants for the Haitian children in the DR.
Michiana Christian Camp
Michiana Christian Camp was established in 1965. It’s vision is to cultivate an environment where real relationships with a lasting impact are developed. This is done by making Christ known through memorable experiences. Michiana Christian Camp is a place of refuge; a place where people discover, grow and experience God's transforming power. MCC offers youth summer camps, youth retreats, and family activities.
North Liberty Christian School
North Liberty Christian School was established to provide a safe Christian centered environment where students are challenged to achieve academic and spiritual excellence. NLCS is an accredited school through the State of Indiana offering Christian Education for Kindergarten-6th Grade.
Polish Christian Ministries
Polish Christian Ministries exists to assist Polish christians and in becoming healthy, growing, self-supporting, and reproducing congregations. They do this by planting churches, providing resources and building friendships. By continuing to reinforce relations between US and Polish churches, and by establishing new connections, PCM seeks to provide a ministry relevant to the times in which we live, plant churches, and strengthen existing ones.
Women’s Care Center
Women's Care Center provides free, confidential counseling, support and education for pregnant women. Free pregnancy testing and ultrasounds help determine viability and dates (prenatal medical care and abortions not provided). They serve 30,000 women annually from 33 centers in 11 states, including Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania & Wisconsin.
Woodburn Christian Children’s Home
The Woodburn Christian Children's Home is located near Fort Wayne, Indiana. It is a 501-C-3 not-for-profit, state-licensed residential children’s home. Their mission is to empower children and families on physical, educational, emotional and spiritual levels. At WCCH, children ages 6-21, live in family-style homes on a 33-acre campus. Transformation occurs through individual and family counseling, educational tutoring, nutrition, exercise, pre-vocational training and social skill development.